About Us
In 1987, there was no JICA Turkey Office in Turkey. JICA's affairs were carried out by the Embassy of Japan. The Ambassador at the time was Kazuo Wachi, the Undersecretary was Michio Hamano, and the First Secretaries were Atsushi Fukasawa and Toru Ikeuchi. In those days, about eight hundred experts who had gone through JICA training programs in Turkey decided that it was time to establish a non-governmental organization to develop relations with JICA, as was the case in other countries. Ruhi Esirgen, Turgut Aktan, Akın Oyat, Timur Sayraç were invited by Fukasawa as a result of the studies and meetings held for this purpose. Then, with the contributions of Barlas Gökova and Zeynep Özen, who were working at the Embassy, the work to establish the association began (November 5, 1987).
At the end of a long period of examination, research, discussion and preparation, the draft bylaws prepared with the participation of Meral Ünver and Dilek Cenkçiler were submitted to the Governor's Office on March 1, 1988. After the additions, deletions and amendments determined by the Governor's Office, the statute was published in the newspaper on May 10, 1988, thus completing the legal establishment. The first President of the Board of Directors was Ruhi Esirgen, the Treasurer was Meral Ünver, the Secretary General was Timur Sayraç, and the members were Turgut Aktan, Ahmet Tabban, Akın Oyat and Dilek Cenkçiler. The initial name of the association was registered as "JICA Members Friendship Association", the address as "Selanik Caddesi, 36/5, Kızılay, Ankara" and the registry number as "06.32.173". The name of the association was later changed to "JICA Association" with the decision of the General Assembly and the approval of the Governor's Office.